Damage and Death As your PCs take damage for various reasons, there may come a time when they reach 0 Stamina. When this happens, you will notice that the PCs portrait is dimmed. This signifies that the PC is unconscious and unable to do anything. They are not dead, however, and can heal. In fact, they can fall as low as -9 and still be only unconscious. If their Stamina falls to -10 or lower, they will die. The only way to revive a dead PC is by casting Raise Dead, or by having them resurrected in a temple. This may seem confusing, but it should become quite clear when you dive in and play Realmz. During combat when a PC falls to zero or less stamina do to damage taken in combat that PC will dissapear from the combat screen. Each round the PC will bleed for 1 point of stamina until dead. Bandaging a PC will stop the bleeding and thus prevent the PC from bleeding to death. Bandaged PCs are displayed with a bandage over their portrait during combat.